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coaching can enable you to gain a new perspective + a clear sense of direction 

How I coach

The process 

Developmental Coaching

Central to the coaching process is the coaching relationship. A working alliance is built between the coach and client and is based on collaborative connection, trust, and mutual agreement of goals in the coaching process. Additionally, the coach offers a confidential space, shows up with a non-judgmental predisposition, genuine interest, and positive regard towards the realisation of the client's aspirations. Throughout the coaching process, the coach listens and asks questions to facilitate the client's reflective process, as well as gently challenging the client. 

Developmental coaching is based on the theory that human growth and change is a lifelong process that happens through-out adulthood. With the term Developmental, I don’t mean that one person is more or less developed than another. Instead, I believe development is about the inherent capacity for all humans to be able to expand our ability to make meaning and engage with the world in new ways. Additionally, within developmental coaching, the whole person is addressed as the broader human capacities of the client increase.

One size doesn't fit all

There is not a 'one size fits all' model for coaching. Each client has different needs and responds better to some coaching approaches more than others. This view is supported by the coaching literature.  I, like many other coaches, have adopted what is called a pluralistic approach. The coach holds an open and transparent conversation with the client about the coaching process, asking what is working well and what approach suits the client's needs. Some clients might benefit from working with a solutions-focused or cognitive modality, while other clients enjoy working in an open non-directive way, engaging on a more emotional level.  



  • I have professional indemnity insurance


  • As part of my accreditation as a Senior Practitioner with the European Council for Coaching and Mentoring (EMCC) I adhere to their standard of ethical practice


  • To keep clients safe I hold their sensitive information with confidentiality under the GDPR 2018 guidelines


  • On a regular basis, I receive private supervision which supports me to coach to the best of my ability

It is especially important to me that everyone feels welcome and included. As an aspiring ally, I embrace all cultures, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions and disabilities. 


©2024 by Dorian Braun Coaching

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Questions that are sometimes asked 

What is coaching? Coaching is a meaningful conversation with a purpose. What happens in the dialogue is focused on the here and now with a view to what is emerging for the future. The coach meets the person where they are and walks along side them as a trusted partner on their journey.

Is there a difference between coaching and counselling? Yes there is. While there are many areas where coaching and counselling cross over, in practice they are distinct. In my practice this is because I am not trained as a therapist, yet I still take a trauma informed approach. This means that I am aware and sensitive towards trauma when it come up in a session, however I am not trained to resolve the trauma. In addition, I am also not trained to work with or give advice on mental health diagnoses or other issues related to psychotherapy.

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